Friday, 22 January 2016

Hormones its all happening

I finally got my hormones from the clinic... excited and a tad worried at the same time I guess.
Hoping I see results of some kind that is noticeable, now I have the correct hormones rather than internet purchased items from unknown sources. I plan on taking photos of my development month by month until lower surgery, it should be fun.
I said worried in the line above and I am just a bit worried that they may not give me the chest I would like or the soft skin and body hair changes I long for, but I know the clinic will do all they can for me.

I have had my hair weaves done and the have made such a difference to my confidence and general well being, they are well worth the money and pain oh yes pain you have a degree of initial pain, but its OK. Also recently done are my gel nail extensions they make a big difference to your appearance and well worth getting.

I have an appointment at the local hospitals Ear nose and throat clinic for voice work, which is great news, I have a long story about my voice. when I was about 7 years old my voice was very girly and female so my parents took me to a hospital clinic (ENT) where they forced to talk in a deeper male sounding voice I was encouraged to place my hand on my chest and feeling for vibration when I spoke so I knew it was sounding deeper. This voice work ended up putting me in another hospital for issues with my throat, and bleeding from the throat area, I guess you can join up all of the dots now as to me being born transgender and identifying from about 5 years old, but in the 1960's it wasn't understood or even looked at, then you find yourself 50 years later facing major issues not of your own making.

The clinic are 100% sure I have gender dystopia and have been seen and issued with cross sex hormones within 2 months of my 1st assessment ( I have had a total of 3 clinic assessments and several pre clinic assessments at different hospitals over the past 12 months or so) they were quite amazed I managed to get to my age of 54 with out a major meltdown of some kind as it was that evident to them I was a transgender person one said to my partner I was a sever case, so I'm very happy in the NHS England and the service the have so far offered me.

Happy... I have never been so happy to be alive,
I smile all the time and I'm really enjoying life for once.
My work place has been very good and the people just great, loads of support and help I didn't expect any of it, but like any lady I love it so thanks to everybody at my work for everything.


Update on the hormones thing...

Everything seems to be just "better" than it was before, each day seems "brighter" than it was before. Not by huge amounts just enough to be noticeable. I'm starting to feel like the real me for once.

From my research I don't expect much to start to happen till about a month on hormones, but I was wrong, one week on the pills I have noticed a small noticeable change in me. I do expect a decrease in my sex drive, at about 3 weeks on female hormones as a lot of people have commented on this on various websites, I have also been told breast development may start with tender nipples etc.

But everybody is different so it's a case of we will have to wait and see what happens, but initial feelings from week one are I feel better, so much better the hormones must be working on the brain first and your mood/feelings before adjusting the body, I guess you don't build a house without sound foundations do you. More update's to follow.



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