I am
genially surprised at the level of support my co-workers have been offering me,
I have had loads of hugs and well done you messages, it has taken me back for
I thank
everybody for your support you have shown me and offered me.
Well I
still have a very long way to go on this path I have to go down it’s not a
choice a transgender person really has the only choice is when you have to face
the truth or keep on running, for me it was Now I can’t put off doing that
needs to be done. Otherwise it would have been the morgue for me, it hurts me
to admit that, but that was sadly my option as I saw it, others may see it
different that I will not know but for me it was an end point and a turn in the
I awake
each morning excited at what the day will bring me and who will as me stuff
about coming out and being transwoman, I told a couple of people today about a
question a certain member of the medical profession asked me very early
on, "Why do you think you want to be a woman" I was shocked but
that was the idea I think, so I replied honestly and said "I don't want to
be a woman". "I am a woman" strangely enough the questions
changed... and that is how I have always viewed myself a woman trapped in
a male body, my parents always said I should have been a girl and my older
sister the boy, I guess they were right as far as I'm concerned,. It would have
made life much easier for me if I was complete from day one as a girl.
It’s not
until you take the plunge and come out as transgender will you ever know what
people think of you, I have been lucky and had just about 100% positive support
from the people I have talked to about being transgender. Yes, it was a
shock to them to hear or read it in an email message as I had hidden my female
self so well for nearly 50 years I had become a true master of disguise. I
know some people will not like the news but in the UK we have the equality Act
that helps to protect you and in work if it’s a large company they generally
have a policy on the whole thing,
My place
of works HR department has been 100% behind me and my department has put
together a communication plan to release the news to all (3,578 staff at the
last count). Although coming out is a personal thing I have found you need to
explain to people about being trans as they really don't know much or anybody
else personally who is transgender and they want to avoid saying the incorrect
thing and feel on edge around you. Therefore, they can just take the easy
option, and steer clear leaving you feeling isolated and alone. My personality
is to go and see them and break the ice say hi do you want to talk? If they
know you well they will want to say something. I have discovered it’s a two way
street and both side has feelings and feel loss and shock, time can heal most
things but it can also be a barrier and come between you.
I am now
waiting on a letter from the NHS Gender Identity Clinic to my doctors
to tell them to prescribe female hormones to me and arrange full blood tests,
so the effects can be monitored and the hormones adjusted to suit me. How cool
is that? I will finally get to feel at home in my own body for the first time
in nearly 50 years :-).
I hope
I'm not expecting them to be the cure-all of my transgender issues
but I do hope they start to sort this body and mind out for once. I have done
the suicide thing a couple of times its a dark place for sure and I never want
to be in that state again.
Early on
I read about transgender people being very suicidal at times, and thought huh
not me... how stupid I must have been, to think all of this wouldn't cause
me great suffering at some point and it did.
I am
grateful I saw some way of getting through it all at that time and called out
for help... I was 100% committed to doing it as well It was a very cut and
dried thing and in my mind logical. In everybody else’s it was of course not. However,
desperate people do desperate thing I am afraid. I yet don’t know if I
will get that bad again I just hope I don’t for everybody around me who has
shown me support and love, I owe them to live through the change and come out a
champion, and a dam fine woman.
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