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Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Happy Christmas 2016

Well for the first time since I don't know when I'm happy... well I should say since coming out as transgender I have never been so happy and feeling complete as I do nowadays. I sleep better at night; I am told I smile more than before and I’m not as grumpy to be around as I was.

It’s quite complex being transgender and taking the necessary hormones to transition does affect you in many ways some good some not too good. My blood pressure went through the roof as they say so I now have to take meds to control it. This is a side-effect of the hormones I take every day, I have a dislike of needles so getting my 3 month jab of Prostrap 3 (leuprorelin acetate) takes me a day or so to get ready for it. Its something I have suffered with all my life and despite being told it will become second nature and it will be nothing to worry about I still nearly faint/ pass out every time.

Christmas is just around the corner and the shops are full of shoppers spending and spending on items to make them and others happy on the big day, they can never match the happiness I feel every morning knowing I am doing something positive and life changing.

My laser hair removal has sort of worked but on my face its less than I had hoped for with quite a few hairs continuing to be a visible reminder each morning. the process has worked better on less visible areas like my chest and back. I guess it will have to be electrolysis hair removal for the rest, I hear it's much more painful than the laser, but needs must, there is a useful web page  if any body need further information on the process etc.

I have an upcoming appointment at my GIC so I will see what's next on the long list of boxes that need ticking... fast it is not, easy it is not, and cheap it is not.. but worth it yes.

I suffered my first hate crime by two "dick heads" shouting abuse at me in a shop, I avoided raising to the abuse and simply went on line the next day when I had calmed down and reported it. I was thinking of reasons why I should report it as in the past I would have stood my ground and had a fight. 
But hate crimes and incidents hurt; they can be confusing and very frightening. By reporting them when they happen to you, you may be able to prevent these incidents from happening to someone else. 
You also help the local police understand the extent of the hate crime in your local area so they can better respond to it.
Reporting makes a difference, to you your friends and your life.

A transphobic hate crime is:

“Any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender.”

Head over to and check out the website. 
a quick link to the reporting page is here

I expected some harassment in a small working class town in the North of England. However I'm still happy and on course despite the two low life's, who had a pop at me. I have the UK law The Criminal Justice Act 2003 section 146 to help in putting these people away for their actions.

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