Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Pickled Red Cabbage Recipe

Nicola's Pickled Red cabbage



1 kg of red cabbage into strips

 1/2 cup salt

 2 red chili fruit

 1 medium onion

 4 cups vinegar approx.

 1/2 cup water (optional)

 1 tsp. coarsely ground or whole black pepper

 1 pinch. Ground cloves

 2 tsp. Freshly grated root ginger

 1 Bay leaf



Remove the outer leaves and quarter the cabbage, remove the tough white core from the quartered pieces, cut the cabbage into thin strips of 4 to 5mm, you can make it thicker if you wish, and place the first cut quarter in a large bowl and sprinkle all over with table salt. Do this with the remaining pieces of cabbage.  Then turning the cabbage mix the cabbage and salt in a bowl and let it stand overnight with either cling film or an old tea towel over the bowl. The salt draws out the moisture from the cut cabbage helping it to stay crunchy once pickled.
Rinse the cabbage in cold water until just about all the salt has been rinsed off.
I add chili peppers and a sliced onion to my mixture but this is optional.
If you are adding a chili, you need to wash the chili pepper and remove the seeds. Cut it into thin strips and mix with the cabbage. I now begin to add the cabbage and chili to the glass jars adding sliced onion in layers throughout the jar.
In a pan I bring to the boil the malt vinegar, (or pickling vinegar) water, black pepper, whole cloves and the grated root ginger to the boil. Let the mixture to cool for 5 minutes before pouring the seasoned vinegar in to the jars of packed red cabbage. During the cleaning and sterilizing of the glass jars, I keep them warm so the glass does not crack when adding the vinegar solution to the jars.
Seal the jars and place in a dark cool area or store cupboard to mature for a few weeks. Once open store in a refrigerator.
Pickled cabbage goes very well with BBQ Grilled foods and summer salads.

1 comment:

  1. Go on give it a go... if you make up a batch now it's ready for early BBQ's in a few weeks time...
